

April 23 - May 24: The Leif has recorded their album no. 3, and presented new tunes at Kafé Hærverk. Fariello/Oxem/Berg/Øgrim played their first concert at BrÖtz in Gothenburg. Tellef joined Øyvind Hellner's impro band Wolf and the Gang, and played a number of concerts in and around Oslo. New recordings are up at Bandcamp

The Leif  released the album Then There, April 14 2023. listen

December 12, 2022, the audiovisual collective Mugetuft (Peter Knudsen, Henrik Hellstenius, Per Oddvar Johansen and I) contributed to the celebration of Edvard Munch's birthday in the artist's studio in Oslo. Watch an excerpt on Vimeo or YouTube.

November 2022: Temporal Angles is the fifth in a series of solo guitar albums that started with the release of There's No Such Thing As My Fretless Guitar in 2004. In an attempt to sum up my different expeditions into the world of music, the best I can do is this "explores the esoteric expressionism of jazz and beyond». Herman Østby, a reviewer at the Norwegian student magazine Under Dusken, made this attempt to capture my eclectic improvising style in words with this characterization in 2022: «Sunday's in Love is Amour shooting guitar picks off 6-string lovemaking towards mind-boggling contemporary composers and jazz composers.» Access the album at https://tellefogrim.bandcamp.com/ 


To order LP/CDs, check for availability via E-mail to tellefogrim@gmail.com


First album, 2018

The Leif is an electric guitar-oriented band from Oslo. A self-titled debut album containing ten melody-driven tracks was released at Simlas produksjoner (CD, streaming, download and vinyl) 2018. Their second release (2020) is titled But you move on. Then There, The Leif's third release will be out by April 14, 2023. Follow the band's website.

Fariello/Berg/Oxem/Øgrim at BrÖtz, Gothenburg, 8 May 2024

Berger museum

Wolf and the Gang - Hellner/Christophersen/Fariello/Ursin/Oxem/Øgrim + (outside the frame): Okuda/Baars/Virtaranta, at

Kafé Hærverk, photographed in Oslo, 5 May 2024, during a concert celebrating Hellner's 66. birthday

Mugetuft is an audio/visual collective, exploring the relationship between live sound and live visuals. The project’s main idea is that the visual and audible means of expression shall be independent and at the same time inter-dependent of each other in order to achieve a tight and organic integration of sound and image. In Mugetuft audio should accompany the visuals as much as visuals accompany the audio. Check out this side of my work at mugetuft.no

Henrik Hellstenius and Tellef Øgrim have been playing together in different bands and projects since the 1980ties. Now they have gotten together to explore sounds and sentiments in their combined bags, instruments, circuits and the general condition of weather, the day's form and the current position of stars and planets in this improvised duo. Henrik: electronics, Tellef: guitars. Watch concert video HERE

WØJT is a duo with long-time musician friend Jan Wiese, who plays oboe, English horn, midi wind controller, and live electronics. Our first release, Undreaming,

was released in November 2018. A second album will be out digitally in April 2020.

Tellef Øgrim / Anders Berg Duo make abstract improvised music bordering European art music withe basses, guitars, electronics and other sound sources. Berg (SE) and Øgrim (NO) have their combined backgrounds from jazz and rock and have met and played for the first time in a guitar festival in den Haag.



Anders Berg, Magnus Tenge, Øyvind Hellner, Peter Knudsen, Henrik Hellstenius, Dario Fariello, Øivind Nordal, Anne Danielsen, Thomas Oxem, Jan Wiese, Ole Hedemann, Espen Jørgensen, Per Oddvar Johansen, Peeter Uuskyla, Hans Rønningen, Onno Govaert, Jacek Kochan, Joe Fonda, Morten Halle, Svein Therkelsen, Rune Nicolaysen, Piotr Cholodzinski, Franz Hautzinger, Magne Otterdal, Ayumi Tanaka, Clementine Gasser, Piotr Cholodzinski, Svein Therkelsen, Espen Ursin, Jon Christophersen, Nils Harkestad, Hans Rønningen, Signe DØ

Tellef at Discogs